Thursday, March 5, 2009


A friend says maybe I should post something from here tomorrow.


Cuidado said...

What is this, Darling?

Cuidado said...

Oh, my God, I just clicked your link. Gross!

Ralph said...

LOL!! Watch out for those links, Cuidado!

nan said...

One word: Eeewwww.

Ralph said...

Darn, you all! I wanted to post a couple of these things!

Anonymous said...

Clicked on the link - my cholesterol shot up 50% and I got an immediate robo-call from my cardiologist. I think I also got an email from my pharmacy telling me my statin prescription was running low...
(Sigh) - and I was looking forward to that BLT this weekend.. :)

Ralph said...

Have the BLT, Jeff, just don't French fry it!

Ravel said...

How many calories a slice?

Anonymous said...

That looks ALMOST like a terrine of pâté iced with supermarket Crisco-sugar icing, perish the thought!