Thursday, April 23, 2009

All Well

Thanks to those of you who have checked in wondering at my silence this week. I should have let you know I'd probably be AWOL. We were in North Carolina from Monday until late yesterday (Wednesday) and I have so much catching up to do today and tomorrow there isn't the time for the luxury of choosing music and running words together. I'll be back here where I belong next week.


nan said...

We've missed you, Ralph! I figured you must be very busy. Looking forward to the forthcoming posts.

Anonymous said...

Likely story . . . where's the food friday?

Ralph said...

HA! Z&M, type "food friday" in the search bar and choose among your favorites!

Anonymous said...

You bum . . . left us high and dry again!

Ralph said...

You need to go on a diet anyway!

Amanda Ladish said...


i might need to lose those pesky remaining pregnancy pounds but I will peruse old Food Friday recipes anyway cuz they're so damn good!

Ralph said...

HA! I meant Zooey's dad, Amanda. I'm sure you're in great shape, given that good food you eat!

Mim said...

Of course I had to keep checking. You always have exciting happenings between your home sale, home building, packing up and food and music.
I bet with this warm weather everyone is coming out of the woodwork to check out your beautiful home.

Ralph said...

Hi, Mim! We're just back from being away while the agent held an open house. Between 25 and 30 people came through between 11 and 2. We're pretty sure we'll get one offer as a result, and maybe 2 more. I'm ready to feel optimistic, but until that paper's in hand.....