Can there be a clearer indication of permanence than a mailbox? We added ours to the row of its fellows at the entrance to Big Oak Lane over the weekend. If Steve needs to travel to company HQ in Sacramento over the next few months, and if we happen to be in Delaware at the time, we much prefer the convenience of using the local airport instead of DC. Those itineraries are a lot more expensive and won't be paid for unless Steve can demonstrate that he lives near that airport. Thus his new "home of record" as far as the company is concerned. One more big step.....
If you have some trepidation about reading anything more here, afraid I've really gone off the deep end worrying about The Move, I understand, but I hope you'll give me another chance. I don't know where I learned to be paranoid about uncertainty but unreasoning fear does visit occasionally. I worry, the worry causes a lack of sleep, which in turn feeds the mental frenzy and causes more worry.
But now I'm once again enjoying the ride. We'll get whatever we get for the house, deal with it, and things will work out. The new place is so beautiful, the planning and designing processes are so much fun and so exciting it's impossible not to jump on and just go with it.
Onward and upward!
Worry steals from today and does nothing for tomorrow. Keep writing! :)
When you didn't do Food Friday, I gave you until today. You would have had the phone call.
I learned a long time ago worry becomes its own problem and is sometimes more debilitating than the problem itself.
Jeff and Kat, thank you. I know those wise words about worry are true and I've probably used them on others. But sometimes the calm one is the one who needs calming. Thanks for being there.
Food Friday: I had planned a recipe--had the picture and everything, but decided it wasn't good enough to share--needs a lot of work.
Long ago a professor of mine said, "you gotta know when to jump" and I never took it to heart until later in life. It's a worry free "jump" and I think you're getting there. You're close enough to the big boys in DC to ask for a "bailout" should anything go wrong, right Raff?
LOL!! Yeah, I can just pick up the phone and say, "Hey, Nancy, about that bailout...."
The jump, the leap--the fear is that the net won't be there at the edge of the cliff. For some reason I can get worked up more about that than I have about other situations others might find equally dire but roll off my back. We all have our vulnerabilities, I guess. Mine is security.
I must admit I was worrying along with Kat there! I would have e-mailed off blog but figured if you weren't posting you didn't have the computer turned on. I missed Food Friday as I look forward to checking in on Friday night after I've cooked dinner for the kids. I had a busy weekend with a trip to the hospital for a routine op for the boy on saturday and a birthday party for my 6 year old on Sunday so when I looged on on monday and you still weren't there that's when I staarted to worry
Sorry for the fright, Peewit! I did feel like everyone needed a rest from me, including myself, but also I was in Delaware and there's seldom the time to do a decent post there. I promise a recipe this Friday!
I learned about worry in a long ago book, The Erroneous Zones, and have not had that problem since. I've tried to instill it's practices in others but MY teaching it has not always worked. If you can find that old book there is a chapter on the two useless emotions.... I'm glad I read it early in my life.
How right Kat is.
Take care Ralphie.
Cuidado, thanks. I remember hearing about that book ages ago. I'll look for it.
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