Thursday, December 18, 2008

On the upswing....

I do believe things are looking up, health-wise! Through all this bitching and moaning I never mentioned that Steve was away on another one his marathon trips, sick as I was. He's back now, and taking the day off work to regain his strength, which he had no chance to do while he was on the road. It's good that one of us can convalesce and take care of the other. My head feels just about normal-sized at the moment and I have no sore anything--throat, ears, etc. (a cold always seems worse at night, however, so we'll see how that goes), and Steve is relatively better today than he was last night when he rolled in. Little by little....

This is just about the darkest December I can remember. It's been more like February with its extreme cold and stuff falling out of the sky. It's still cloudy today and yet more rain is predicted for tonight and then on into the weekend. Sounds like comfort food time to me! One thing I know I'll be doing is rummaging through some favorite recipes. (Look out, you may be eating it yourself in the not too distant future!)

Just checking in. You may now return to your own devices....


Mim said...

Yes isn't if fun to feel sick.. and I noticed you had a flu shot. I always say I don't get sick so I don't need one, but I think I've changed my mind.
Starting last wk it was sore throat, then laryngitis, then yesterday ended up at my dr's and it's a full blown ear and sinus infection.
Yes I agree it's seems dark and dreary. We are waiting for rain here too... I'd prefer snow I think.
Glad you are feeling better in time to take care of Steve.

Ralph said...

Sorry you're under the weather, Mim. This nasty bug really is making the rounds.

Have you ever had the flu? If you have, you never want it again, which is why I'm religious about the shots. As bad as this cold is, the flu is 100 times worse, believe me. Just fading away seems more comfortable than suffering with the aches and pains and difficult breathing. Get the shot!

Kat said...

Knocking wood here that all those bugs pass by me. I have been so lucky so far this winter with no sickness, just the ankle.

I just hope this year's flu shot will work on this year's flu, unlike last year's.

Snow's coming here!

Ralph said...

You've been lucky with all the running around you've been doing Kat. Steve brought this one home from work.

You're right about the flu shots. At least I didn't get any flu last year....

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better.

Hoping to stay away from those with colds or flu.

Loved hearing Bryan Ferry - one of my fav's. Thank you!

Ralph said...

Glad I made a hit with Bryan Ferry, Linda. He's somebody we don't hear enough of, IMHO.

Mark said...

Glad to hear you're both on the upswing! Cool way to put it. It has been a chilly month, but we hope, a happy one for you!

Mark and Peggy

nan said...

Sorry to read you have been feeling low. Glad you are feeling better, Ralph!

Anonymous said...

It's all a matter of perspective, Ralph. It's certainly miserable when you're off your game. When undergoing treatment, the ENT doc who was part of the oncology team said that I would feel "as if I had the worst cold in my life". He was right - and it lasted almost a year! Sometimes at night, I just breathe in and out, conscious of how easy it is and how easily you can lose it. The bad days make the good days seem more precious! :)
And I'm all for the flu shots. Actually my doc gives me no choice - in the middle of asking me if I want one, he's already got the needle in my arm.

Ralph said...

I must admit you've got me there, Jeff, although my memory of the flu includes days when I'd literally rather have died. Thank God it didn't last a year.

Flue shots: good for your doctor!