Sunday, July 27, 2008

A quiet Sunday (I think)

I was up at 4:30--early not only for a Sunday but any day of the week--to see Steve off for a trip to Reno, Nevada. This seminar will no doubt be the last traveling he will be doing for his present employer. The supervisor who suggested and authorized this trip is gone now; it was a parting gift to Steve. As a perk, I think Steve is appreciative of the gesture, but I'm sure he'd rather forgo the travel. Soon enough he'll be able to.

There was no getting back to sleep for me so I came here and started listening to music. I'm yawning as I write, so a quiet day is probably in store. I'll luxuriate with the newspaper for a few hours, and then see what happens. Either today or tomorrow I will tackle one of those drudge jobs I find satisfying: cleaning up all the drywall mess in the bathroom. Yes, that task is moving along. Primer is on all the walls; they simply await a finish coat of paint. That means all the dust that was raised by the spackling necessary to get to this point can be cleaned up. I armed myself with 15 tack cloths from Home Depot yesterday. We are on our way back to shiny surfaces!

A peaceful Sunday to you.


Anonymous said...

I sometimes wake early and by noon need a nap. But this morning is going real slow for me. I just realized having read a post from someone of your Food Friday, how did we switch from Food to Leonard Cohen. Well, you started it over on my blog and I forgot. I answered you on your blog. It kept going from there. How funny is that?

Ralph said...

I didn't care, Z&M--it was a funconversation, wherever. Check your email and let me know if those songs got through. If not I can re-send.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Got em all and have listened to them. Pretty good stuff, thanks.