Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A good night!

I'm was by myself last night and exhausted. I watched the returns and saw my man miraculously take Ohio and Pennsylvania. As exciting as the moment was, I was tired of pundit logorrhea and fighting sleep, so I went to bed, missing the modern-day fall of Virginia, my home state, but certain of this morning's headlines. The phone rang at 11 o'clock and it was our friends Jim and Kemp, also watching by themselves, calling just to share the joy. They were beside themselves, laughing and crying at the same time. What a way to be awakened! I went back to the TV to watch the victory speech before the throng in Chicago, wishing for a moment I could be there. But TV showed me things I'd never have seen in person: panoramic views of that enormous, happy crowd, and shots of Oprah Winfrey and Jesse Jackson, two powerful people by any measure, weeping with joy as that beautiful, diverse group of new first families, possible only in America, greeted the crowd from the stage. Barack could not have chosen a better allegory than the 109-year-old woman, daughter of slaves, who with her vote helped this victory happen and lived to see its fruition.

So many others have said it, but I share the feeling: for the first time, I felt unvarnished pride at being American. At last, we are living up to our promise. No matter what happens from here on out, that can never be taken away from us.

It's now up to all of us to make sure the joy of this moment is not wasted, and that our better angels usher in the changes this country so badly needs.


Anonymous said...

Uphill all the way . . . which if you have to start cleaning up behind the elephants why not start there? I think Bush should appoint whoever O man wants as new US Treasurer and get his own people in that slot pronto. Would be the first time in history a sitting prez helped out the incoming prez, but these are unusual times. I like what you wrote today . . . I share your views and let's pray for the "better angels".

Anonymous said...

Yes We Did! :)
- J.

Ralph said...

Z&Me, that's an interesting and excellent idea about Treasury. Let's see if he tries it and Bush agrees.

Ralph said...

Jeff, we did indeed! I know your mood will see a great improvement now!

Anonymous said...

I'm really excited. Wish I still lived up there. Can you imagine Inauguration Day??? WOW. Be like when Martin Luther King gave his famous speech at the Lincoln Memorial. I was there but just a kid at the time.

Ralph said...

We'll definitely go to the parade!

Kat said...

My eyes teared, and I was filled with hope. It was glorious!

Ralph said...

Kat, it was indeed, it was indeed.

Cuidado said...

You said it very well, Ralph. I am a bit jealous as a CDN watching the American election pre and post and wishing my country was half as patriotic as yours. Good on ya!!

Ralph said...

Many thanks, Cuidado. For once I'm feeling it's safe to give up my spiritual berth in Canada and come on back here to the US of A. Still, we need to learn much from you guys about civili(s/z)ation.

nan said...

WOOO HOOOO!!!! I too was moved to tears when the election was finally called. What a night. What hope! I haven't had a chance to blog, but just had to echo - YES, WE DID!!!

Anonymous said...

I feel like I can finally breathe
again! I am soooo happy! Rita